
Mediatower Promo DVD Presentation


Presentation & Exhibition




Vport ::weblink
MA7 ::weblink

:: Background information

In 2006 it was time for the next step. We thought about how to reflect about our way up to here and how to report what we are working on. Our works are in most cases created for a short time – so for reflecting those works we produced a DVD named “Mediatower.”

4 main categories, 9 videotracks and 3 picture-sequences show the wide range of MOTIONLAB Visual Art.

All Videos and the booklet can be downloaded here:

The production of the DVD was supported by MA7 (Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien).


We are very proud that the official presentation took place in the Museumsquartier Vienna/Quartier Digitale Kunst (department for digitial culture). The presentation was followed by an one month exhibition in the so-called zero port. The zero port is initiated by poool and give resident visual artists the chance to show their work.